International Women's Day: we celebrate the day with a little surprise for our female colleagues

Happy International Women's Day to all our female colleagues! This 8th March is not only a date of commemoration, but also a reminder of the important contribution that women have made and continue to make in all areas of society and, by extension, in our company. That is why, at ALCAD, we wanted to make their role in our organisation visible, with a breakfast and a little surprise.
Today, 28 women are part of ALCAD (31% of the total staff) in areas as diverse as R&D, Financial area, Production, IT, Development, Logistics, Purchasing, Human Resources, Occupational Risk Prevention... They are, in alphabetical order, Adela, Amaia, Ana, Ana Isabel, Andrea, Ane, Belén, Clara, Cristina, Edurne, Enara, Idoia, Lourdes, Mª Eugenia, Maider, Marga, María Cecilia, Marian, Marta, Mercedes, Miren, Miriam, Nora, Pauline and Toñi. Some of them appear in the image that accompanies these lines, but there have been many more over the three decades of ALCAD's history. Thank you very much for your tenacity and effort! Zorionak!
Our CEO, Beñat Zudaire, received them together with the management team in the dining room of our headquarters, where he offered them breakfast and gave them a little surprise. Beñat valued the fact that most of them have been with the company for more than two decades, and wanted to highlight the career of Mertxe Gil, who, coincidentally, is celebrating her last day at ALCAD today. Nor has he forgotten the example of work and sacrifice of Ane Ochoa, who has been combining her university studies with her internship in our company for the last three years.
We celebrate 8th March not only today, but also every other day of the year, remembering the important contribution that women have made and continue to make in all areas. It is clear that, from society in general and companies in particular, we must push to accelerate this process and eliminate the gender gap as soon as possible.
In our case, we are doing our bit with our own Equality Plan, which includes a set of measures aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities between women and men and eliminating gender discrimination in our organisation.
The document provides a path for the organisation to improve in the field of equality between women and men, in working conditions, internal organisation and operation and in the provision of its services, as well as in its relationship with other entities in the environment through the participation of the people who work in it.